OK, so the economy is crumbling and there isn't enough money any where... there is no money for schools, shelters, even cities.... and yet we refuse to use the advantages we have to make life a little easier..... now back in the day maybe 1920's and up there were prison factories, and prison work shops... right???? and the merchandise that they made in the prison was sold to the regular public as a way for the prisoners to pay their way through their stay.. no matter how long they were in...well since the economy is in such a bad state that supposedly they don't have enough money to send to the distributors for food for the prisons... i believe that maybe we should start the prison jobs again... now i know that some of you might be saying, that's like a chain gang, and that its not fair to those who are in prison..... OK, so while the prisoners sit nice and cozy in their prison cell, using our money for food, furniture, clothing , and all their other "necessities"... we have people who work who cant afford all the nice things in life.... i think if we started up the prison farms, so they could raise their own produce.... and the access they could sell to local stores for a profit to the prison.... they should open up the workshops in the prisons again because when they had the prison workshops it gave hope to the inmates who got to participate in them because when they got out they had a job trade that they might be able to use on the outside to start over again... plus all the extra furniture, and other objects made, could be sold as a profit to help provide income for the prison..... now i know that this wouldn't completely help the whole financial crisis that's going on today but it would take care of a small portion of what eats up our taxes.... plus the inmates would learn useful skills that they maybe able to use in the regular world.... plus another thing to think is that if they were to have their own little farm kinda thing going on... then they could raise their own livestock, and produce their own meat and possibly have enough to send out to other stores....
1 comment:
Somehow it is inhumane for prisoners to farm to feed themselves, but not for farmers to farm to feed all of us!
Maybe the prisons should just go without food until they get off their LAZY butts and be productive...
I've been seriously ill for 2 1/2 years and have been farming every inch of land I could get hold of... even when I was too sick to leave my own property, you'd see me out in my gardens... or sitting out front cutting up fruits and veggies to dehydrate!
they weren't too 'special' to commit crimes!
HOW are they too 'special' to grow their own food?!?!?!
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