Did you know that in Joliet you can legally be un-medicated?????
And that the only way that they might have to take their medication is if they're a threat to themselves or someone else.....
But why is it that the ones who should take the medication know that if they kill someone they can plead insanity and go to a mental facility for a couple of years and then be released back into society....
i had and incident when someone who had been off their medication, started to threaten me and my family.... we called the cops a couple of times, but they always said that he can say what ever he wants, its just when he actually acts out one of the threats......
so the more threats he made the more calls we made, because the more paper work you have better....
finally one day he snapped...
we were at an intersection, and he began yelling at the car, so we put up the windows.... he kept yelling and we were at a red light so we couldn't go anywhere....
he then got so mad that he jumped on the hood of the car..... omg!!!!!
that was horrible.... it scared us half to death...
he was still screaming and yelling at us.....
we had so many cars pass by us and no one would do a thing to help..... we even had people honking at us for blocking the intersection, because at that point the light was green, but we really didn't want to drive with someone on the hood of the car...
we called the police and while we waited.....
he finally got off the car, but while doing so he grabbed the wiper blade almost breaking it, and he came around to the side of the car and punched the window right were my brother was sitting.....
finally the cops showed up and they started to take the report, and then said that they couldn't do anything to him because he wasn't dangering himself or others........
now to me that didn't make any sense, especially because he was dangering the life of my family and himself..... how is it that climbing on top of a running vehicle in the middle of an intersection isn't endangering the life of people????.....
and because the cops didn't think he was endangering the life of anyone, he doesn't have to take his meds, or go and get help..... he doesn't have to learn from his mistakes... he can just go on with life and think that its OK to threaten people, and never have to pay for his actions.....
It was So scary! And he still wanders the streets of Joliet, mostly hanging out by Joliet Central High... I guess something will get done when he finally acts on his threats, "I'm gonna gouge out your eyes, cut off your pony tail and kill your little dog, too!" Until then, roll up the windows whenever you see him and pray for our safety.
have you seen him lately or did he move on the someone else....
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