Stop eminent domain bill...
Illinois Senate Bill 2063 passed the senate and is now in the house Rules Committee.... Section 6-15(d) of this bill gives politicians the power to take your house and property by eminent domain proceedings any time they deem fair.... Which means that if they want your house or property they can just pay you what they want and take it....
You only have 120 days to get off of your property, that you bought with your money, that you worked so hard to get.... It is called "quick take" -and this , my friends, is communism...
More than 500,000 GIs died or were wounded and billians of your dollars were spent to try to stop communism in Korea and Vietnam.... Now it is sneaking in our back door...
Tell your friends about the bill and watch the papers for the final public hearings on it. It could pass in the November veto session.
The bill is sponsored by Sen. Debbie Halvorson, D-Crete, and in the House by state Rep. Lisa Dugan, D-Bradley. It is also supported by Will County Executive Larry Walsh and the Will County Board....
Remember, young people who can't vote will suffer from this law...
We can stop this form happening..... Write or call your legislator now...
Please post the addresses for government representatives... so we can all write/ email our opinions...
If we each send out a letter/ week until we get a reponse, they will ACT to protect our rights! We voted them in and it really is up to us to supervise their activities so that our needs are served. Don't let Illinois become another POLICE STATE! Act NOW! Do your part so we can all LIVE in FREEDOM!!!
this is something that i'm looking at and this is something that everyone need to look at or it will be you that might loose your house next......
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