I dont know if you remeber, but a while ago i wrote a blog about a cemetary...... it was about how they were treating the head stones and mistreating the graves... well i did a lot more research, and talked to some people.. i found out that the head stones that were in the piles mostly came from the woods.... most of them had been left there from other cemetaries that didnt need/want them anymore.... its still wrong, and who ever did it should be responsible for finding the families of these head stones and give them back.... heres a thought... your dead and in a cemetary.... for whatever reason you have to be moved.... what happens if they loose your head stone???? will they get you a new one???? or will you be lost forever???? will people even know that your lost, and with no name?????
well thats it for now... have fun...
hi..there"s from indonesia
Here we all sit in our cozy little lives... relaxing in front of our TV...
There they sit in untended graves...
If your family is from this area, chances are you have family in Oakwood! Did your family feed you? Clothe you? Give you shelter? Were there presents under the tree?
Do they deserve to be neglected? No flowers planted at their graves? Weeds not pulled?
This is how you are teaching your children to care for you! They learn from you. And your grandchildren will learn from them.
What legacy are you planning to leave behind?!
if i'm dead i will never know..... that's what i'm thinking right now....
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