what have you been doing lately????
have you thought about others??? and have you given back to the community, or even just one homeless person????
in a time where the economy is getting worse, despite their predictions, and people are finding it harder to provide for themselves, are you honestly helping someone??? on the T.V. they show all these programs about starving people, and poor living conditions in a third world country somewhere.... But what about the starving people, and poor living conditions right here in the U.S.????
Do you honestly look around you??? I don't mean just in your neighborhood, but in those neighborhoods you don't wanna go into.... now mind you yes some choose to live that way and could do better if they actually tried, but what about those who have no hope of getting out of the mess they're in??? and yes it is good to go to your local soup kitchen and help out, but have you ever had a conversation with them that was 30 minutes or longer???? have you heard their story, why they are were they are??? what if you where in that situation??? would you want someone to talk to you, to spend just a half an hour with you learning who you are???
well it was just something that was going through my head as I'm listening to the rain thinking about a nice guy i might while walking through the woods who was living out there... and was trying to get out but was having obstacles to climb over......